Happy New Year! Hope you’ve all had a great holiday season and enjoyed some time with family and friends.

I just finished up a couple of days at the “Roar Before the 24”–testing at Daytona for the Rolex 24 Hours. This has really been a great experience. Chip has put together a great group of individuals from four different series and I’m learning a lot from all of them. I’ve gotten quite a bit of time in the car and I’ve had to get use to a lot of things; like getting used to a roof, driving at a new track and even driving at night. I haven’t driven at night since my go-karting days. The guys (Memo, Scott and Juan) have been great in helping me and it’s a testament to the group of drivers Chip has put together. I’m really looking forward to being a part of and contributing to the Rolex 24 At Daytona!

Heading back to the Best Coast tomorrow morning for a couple of days. If you’re not already, make sure you’re following me on Twitter @RaceWithInsulin!

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