It’s Friday night and I am in another hotel room. But I can handle it because I get to drive the race car tomorrow! I am here in Kansas City and getting ready for my first ever oval race. I did all the typical pre-race stuff- get my helmet and race gear checked out for safety, made some small adjustments in the seating position of the car, put a new DexCom Seven Plus sensor in and start it up, wander around the paddock and see what’s happening, got to the autograph session, get excited, bother my mechanics with bad jokes to vent of excited energy- typical pre-race weekend activities. An addition to my typical activity list was an on camera interview with Fox 4‘s morning show here in Kansas City. Although with the help of my sponsors and their fantastic PR company, these interviews seem to be happening more and more! I just watched the video and I came across a lot more relaxed (even if I didn’t feel it!) than I did in the interview in Long Beach. On a another note, I met two other people with type 1 diabetes today during the autograph session. One was the son of a race fan (Josh I think was his name) and he was diagnosed about 18 months ago as well. Ed, the other man, has had diabetes for over 35 years and took part in some of the medical trials for an insulin on the market today. I enjoy making those connections- no matter how random.

Now it is off to bed- an early start with the driver’s meeting at 8 in the morning. There is some prediction for rain over the weekend- thunderstorms and the like, so we will see how mother nature toys with us.

You can follow me all weekend online at the Indy Lights website. Here‘s the live timing link- but I’m not sure it works!

Here’s the weekend schedule:

8 AM Driver’s Meeting
9-9:45 AM- Practice 1 (all together)
11:40AM-12:40PM- Practice 2 (2 split groups of 30 minutes each)
3:30-4:30PM Qualifying

9:00AM Driver’s Meeting
11:45 Indy Lights Pre-Race
12:00- 1:00 Indy Lights Kansas Lottery 100 (67 Laps- 100 Miles)

TV Coverage:
Monday April 27th, Versus TV 4PM EDT (1PM PDT)

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